It is week 4 of University and we currently discussed the similarities and differences between reviewers and critiques. Our entire class mostly consisted of us discussing the two. I honestly thought I knew the difference between them. The difference between them is that a critique of a film, art work, or song would be more in depth and would be from a much more professional perspective. As for a review, a review is a brief breakdown of the movie, song, or art work; in the sense that, it would not be in depth and it would not be from a professional point of view. It would simply be a few lines dictating whether or not the individual enjoyed the movie, song, or art work. It took a while of explaining this for me to understand, rather, for the whole class to understand. As always we, as a class, were put into groups for classwork. We were asked by our professors to pick a movie and search for essays, academic writing, and reviews on that movie and to differentiate between them. We were asked to tell the difference between essays, academic writing, and reviews. I understood the difference, quite hard to grasp at firs but I eventually understood.
The blog we were directed to read this time spoke about critics, reviewers, and journalists. It was mostly history facts but also very beneficial to me as an animation student. My work, later on in the industry, will be criticized, and I found it very informative. I feel like it was best that we, as students of art, learn about this now for future reference rather than not learn what it is and be stunned in the future. I learned that we shouldn't take criticism to heart, but rather take it as feedback to grow as an artist.
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